Slender Rape

He grabbed my leg as I ran down the hall way and I fell with a thud and hit my head on the tile. I felt the appendage wrapping around my leg slowly, and as it reached my shin I felt the thing squeeze my leg tightly, and it began to drag me. It took me to a dark area of the forest, and that's where I everything went blurry and dark.
I awoke in a bright room that I just knew was a hospital, but to my horror I saw it, that thing. A being arose from the only doorway in the room that was visible. The figure appeared to be a impossibly tall,and thin man wearing a black suit and tie. As the thing drew nearer I noticed it had no face, and as I pondered as to what I was going to do, it unbuckled my leg restraints and spread my legs.
And. And he. And he, No It! (sobbing noises) It ripped it's clothing off, and grew lips and whispered in my ear. " It's time.", and he grabbed his enormous penis and inserted it into my anus. The pain of my anus ripping for eight hours is something I'll never forget. After the tall man was done he picked me up with one appendage and placed me back in my home where this all began, and I passed out. I awoke the next day on my couch and prayed that that that was all a horrible dream, but was terrified as I got in the shower and saw what was carved into my chest, A heart with an X through it.